Communications, centralized

The TSYS Communications PlatformSM gives you a centralized way to easily and efficiently handle cardholder communications across a variety of our solutions.

See How the Solution Works

00 %

of consumers have opted out of brand communication within the last six months.1

00 %

of consumers reported needing to make multiple contacts to resolve their most recent customer service need.2

00 %

of consumers said messaging sent to them was irrelevant.3

Simplifies complexities across solutions

Consolidates communications across products and platforms and brings together content, branding and end-to-end tracking for reporting and regulatory purposes.

The sophisticated platform consists of three layers, interwoven to make your communications requirements even simpler.

  • Back-end integration — Efficiently handles the intake of events and other data from your TSYS platforms and products
  • Core processing engine — Processes the data, applying your preferences and those of your cardholders
  • Front-end distribution — Seamlessly handles the distribution of notifications as desired

Flexible and configurable

Readily configure the solution to integrate with your existing communications infrastructure. Easily accommodate cardholder preferences and add notification capabilities over time.

Take advantage of our intuitive APIs to quickly and easily configure the platform to suit your specific needs. Simplify the challenge of accommodating cardholder contact preferences — such as opt-in, opt-out, STOP or unsubscribe — by having the solution process, store and access preferences as needed. In addition to the current communications options — including email and SMS texts — we plan to continue to add capabilities including outbound IVR and print options through our TSYS Correspondence solution.

Stay on track

Let our Communications Platform ensure that you meet all regulatory and compliance requirements and streamline your reporting.

Government regulatory standards often include significant penalties for non-compliance. Our Communications Platform tracks the delivery and return of email and text notifications end-to-end, providing the proof you need to avoid actions and fees — in addition to providing the in-depth reporting needed to improve your cardholder outreach going forward.

The Power of the TSYS ecosystem

View Our Connected Ecosystem

The Communications Platform is part of the TSYS connected ecosystem. Built on open APIs, it eliminates siloed solutions and gives you a valuable 360° view into your consumer and commercial customers’ journeys.

Our Communications Platform works seamlessly with a wide range of platforms and solutions — while sharing data and workflows — to maximize the benefits you receive.

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Need a better way to connect?

There’s a lot more to tell you about the TSYS Communications Platform and how it delivers consistent, high-quality notifications from a range of TSYS products and platforms.

1: What Consumers Expect from Brand Communication, Intrado, 2019
2: Northridge Group State of Customer Service Experience report , 2018
3: What Consumers Expect from Brand Communication, Intrado, 2019